What is in your Food?
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amWe have been bought up on a whole selection of processed foods with the use of artificial chemicals to enhance everything from taste and appearance to shelf life, you can no longer take it for granted that...
- Tags: Detox Holistic Ingredients Wellbeing
WARNING!!! Check your Moles (Graphic images) #Safetyinbeauty
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amThis post is a difficult one to write as it is very personal to me. I have been asked to write this on behalf of a very brave woman who is a family friend and...
Pregnancy Skin
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amPregnancy draws on all resources from the body to enable the unborn child to develop into a healthy, bouncing baby. The skin during pregnancy also has immense changes ranging from breakouts, pigmentation, dehydration and oily...
- Tags: Wellbeing
Invest in the GREENS Party
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amNo this is not part of a Party Political Campaign – but it IS a shout out for the fabulous Energetix Green Essence Concentrate – I am SO excited about this product, I am always advising clients...
- Tags: Ingredients Wellbeing
And Sleep……..
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amA little while ago now, I had the pleasure of spending a morning with the Britain’s leading Beauty Journalists, I was Guest Speaker at The Berkeley Hotel speaking about why sleep is important for the...
- Tags: Wellbeing
The Transgender Tag!
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amDebates on professional and non professional social networking sites are something I avoid, however, a particular debate recently lured me into the gladiator arena with my net and trident. The question : Is it acceptable and...
- Tags: Mental Health Wellbeing
On The Nose
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds amThe sense of smell is one that evokes emotion, it is an amazing sense that can instantly throw our minds back to a specific place and time in our memories, it can associate us with...
- Tags: Physical Health Wellbeing
A Royal Pain in The Butt!
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am- Tags: Physical Health Wellbeing