Hello My Name Is Drugs
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am
Addiction is a way of masking pain from either emotional, physical or mental trauma.
I saw this poem on a social media site and it touched the very core of me, mainly because I have witnessed myself the horror that drugs can do to families and young people. Now, having a daughter myself I live in constant fear when she will be exposed to drugs, I say when because it is inevitable they are all around us, drugs have no morals, they have no class. I am only thankful and grateful she has a sensible head on her shoulders and have always tried to educate her in the pitfalls of life, I pray that she will always make the right decisions.
This is a poem written by Adam Jon Evans in September 1998. It was used in a performance at Cambridge university for Stoke park school based in Coventry and had the governments chief drugs czar in attendance Keith Helliwell .
The words say everything there is to say about the horrors drugs bring, not only to the individual taking them but also to the families that have to suffer the behaviour and the madness surrounding them.
Hi, my name is Drugs - I destroy homes I tear family's apart I take children from parents and that's just the start, I live all around you in schools and in towns If ever you need me, I'm easily found.
My power is awesome, just try me and see but just let me warn you, you may never break free. I live with the rich I live with the poor I live down the street and maybe next door.
Try me once I might let you go, try me twice I'll own your soul - because when I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie, you'll do what you have to, just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms, will be worth all the pleasure you'll feel in your arms. More costly than diamonds more precious than gold but the sorrow I'll bring you Is a sight to behold.
You'll lie to your Mother you'll steal from your Dad and when you see their tears you should feel sad.But you'll forget all your morals and how you were raised cos I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
The nightmares I'll give you when you're lying in bed - the voices you'll hear from inside your head - the sweats, and the shakes and the visions you'll see - I want you to know they're all gifts from me.
If you try me, be warned that this is no game, if given the chance I'll drive you insane I'll ravish your body I'll control your mind I'll own you completely and your soul will be mine!
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride I'll always be with you right by your side. I'll take and I'll take, till you've nothing to give and when I'm finished with you - you'll be lucky to live. I take kids from parents and parents from kids, I turn people from God and separate friends. You'll give up your family, your money, your home and when there's nothing left you'll be all alone.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do, but you came to me, not I to you. You could have said no, and just walked away, If you lived your life over, what would you say? You knew this would happen, many times you were told. But you challenged my power and chose to be bold. Then when it's too late, you'll know in your heart that you are now mine -Till death us do part. I'll be your master, you'll be my slave, I'll even go with you, right to your grave.
So now that you've met me what will you do? Will you take it or leave it its all up to you. I can bring you more misery than mere words can tell, So come take my hand, I'll take you to hell!
Although drink and drugs were not the cause of Amy Winehouse’s death, she had struggled with the addictions and her foundation works to prevent the effects of drugs and alcohol misuse on young people.
7 Kommentare
Gary Miller am
This is the most real, has had the most impact on family in helping them understand the struggles I have endured while I journeyed along the path of drugs.
The other side of my journey tells of the freedom I have received through giving my life to Jesus Christ.
Thank you Marie Reynolds. for the gift of describing a experience and putting it into words. -
Kathy am
This one poem really hit me hard now you clean they are exactly right I went through all of that I still am not free but getting there
rika am
fantastic i love it…
Sue am
I have a freind suffering He’s so talented with a huge heart I’m so sad he just can’t get it together keeps falling down the rabbit hole my hearts breaking for his beautiful soul I fear it may be to late .
Soon very true words 🙏🙏🙏