Invest in The Skin You’re in!
Posted by Marie Reynolds on
Tell me, why is it looked upon that skin care and facial treatments are deemed a ‘luxury’ when they are most certainly a necessity?
To have a facial treatment is usually a treat us women give to ourselves or have given, as a gift to ‘pamper’. Professional skin care is usually shied away from, preferring the drug store brands as a ‘that’ll do’ product to ‘tick the box’ of a moisturizer or cleanser.
I remember watching my mother take her make up off at night, using her cold creams and saying to me ‘ALWAYS take your make up off when you grow up, never ever sleep in make up. Look after your skin!’
Looking after your skin should be priority, along with looking after your body through diet and lifestyle, which will reflect in your skin no doubts there BUT to invest in results driven skin care is investing in your skin!
Don’t get swept away by the ‘Emperors New Cloths Marketing’, with the relevant A lister promoting a product that is abundant in nasties, or with all due respect vloggers and bloggers talking about the product of the month that they may take a liking to, which is great for a shade of lipstick, perfume or latest blush but for skin care that is appropriate for you and specific concerns, I can not stress enough the importance of going to a Professional Therapist.
Consultations are usually free so no pressure to book any treatments or purchase product however, I say to my clients IF you are wanting results then YOU have to invest in a program of treatments and active skin care. Skincare continues the work the therapist is laying down so results in hydration, pigmentation and ageing can occur.
Regardless of skin condition, professional treatments are highly recommended to maintain skin health, prevention is better than cure so no matter what age, start understanding what your skin needs. Teenagers, both boys and girls should start maintaining skin health as soon as puberty onsets this is an ideal time to get them along to the skin therapist for some advise.
Another factor to consider is skin care is not about a ‘one size fits all’, your skin changes with stress, hormones, diet, seasons, environment . Along with being the largest organ of the body it is living and breathing with micro organisms and its own eco system!
I have treated thousands of clients over the years a common denominator to many skin condition is the lack of education around appropriate skin care as well as the mentality that treatments and skin products are a ‘treat’, yet there is no raising of an eyebrow when spending hundreds of pounds on designer bags, shoes or clothes or blowing money on nights out, spending money on the latest Chanel lippie … so why the shock horror when it comes to skin care that will actually improve and help with skin health? I just don’t get it!